Innovate. Motivate. Empower.

Our goal is to enable people to live in a state of freedom and flexibility without compromising their ability to work well.

We want to give people the tools to flow between life and work however they choose.

Life first.

We want to put life back in the forefront. When the pandemic hit, and we began working from home full-time, we came to appreciate the freedoms working remotely had to offer. At the same time, we quickly realized that our work habits created many inhibitions as we attempted to force our office lives into our regular lives.

We chose to pause and reevaluate to truly understand this evolution in how and where people work, and discovered solutions from the perspectives of our own lifestyles. Between one co-founder’s adventures and the other’s focus on family, there was a desire to get more life out of each day, and an opportunity became clear.

Life can come first without compromise to work, and at NomadLabs, we strive to create solutions that keep the world of work and the world of life in harmony, with life in the driver's seat.

Sustainable Choices

We deeply encourage time outdoors, and highly value the environments we live and work in, so we have intentionally chosen materials and processes that allow us to provide quality parts while minimizing our long term effects on our planet.

Keep learning.

Keep making.

Keep moving.

Keep life first.